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新闻来源:未知  2017-12-15 22:47

  近日,清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司(THAD)与贝氏建筑事务所合作备忘录签订仪式于在清华大学圆满举行。贝氏建筑事务所创始合伙人贝礼中先生代表事务所与清华大学建筑设计研究院院长庄惟敏签订合作备忘录。出席签约仪式的还有清华大学建筑设计研究院副院长刘玉龙,清华大学建筑设计研究院副院长刘建华,清华大学建筑设计研究院总建筑师吴耀东,清华大学建筑设计研究院执行总建筑师盛文革,清华大学建筑设计研究院企划部主任杨丝路。同时,安永会计师事务所(美国)的赵炜女士(Ms. Winona Zhao)对于本次战略合作也起到了至关重要的作用。



(从左至右)崔仁圆先生、刘建华副院长、刘玉龙副院长、贝礼中先生Li Chung (Sandi) Pei、庄惟敏院长、吴耀东总建筑师、盛文革总建筑师、杨丝路主任




贝礼中Li Chung (Sandi) Pei,贝氏建筑事务所创始合伙人与庄惟敏,清华大学建筑设计研究院院长




  贝聿铭1917年4月26日生于广州,祖辈苏州望族,曾在家族拥有的苏州园林狮子林度过童年。1927年他随父亲到上海读中学,当时上海的西方建筑风格对他产生了触动。1935年贝聿铭前往美国,进入宾夕法尼亚大学攻读建筑系,但因不适应该校以图画讲解古典建筑理论的教学方式,便转学到麻省理工学院攻读建筑工程专业,后在哈佛大学取得建筑学硕士。贝聿铭师承瓦尔特·格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)、马歇尔·布劳耶(Marcel Breuer)等现代主义鼻祖。1955年,成立贝·考伯·弗里德及合伙人建筑师事务所,开始了其漫长的建筑执业生涯。他主持设计并建造的项目涵盖了政府大楼、大使馆、博物馆、音乐厅、办公楼、酒店、银行、医院、住宅、教堂及城市更新等,其中涌现出诸多现代建筑史上的杰作。1992 年,贝聿铭从贝·考伯·弗里德及合伙人建筑师事务所退休,以顾问建筑师的身份加入其子贝礼中先生与兄长贝建中先生于同年共同创立的贝氏建筑事务所继续从事建筑设计工作。贝氏建筑设计事务所代表了贝氏一直以来秉持的设计承诺,形成了创新与独特的设计理念和风格并延续至今。



  贝氏建筑师事务所的设计方法始于对每一个项目的独特性的全面理解。设计解决方案和构建要素以一种综合的方式融合起来,始终满足客户和居住者的需求。他们不仅考虑 直接的现场情况,也考虑更大层面的物质和文化背景。所有设计都将可持续性考虑在内,努力对环境产生积极的影响。

  在过去的25年里,事务所从事了广泛的项目设计,从超大型项目到小项目,包括企业和住宅大楼, 医疗保健机构,机构建筑,博物馆,金融总部,滨水公园,和城市总体规划。其国际项目涵盖美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴西、欧洲、亚洲、非洲和中东。





  Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd. (THAD) and Pei Partnership Architects Signed a Strategic Memorandum of Understanding

  Beijing, China - On November 17, 2017, the signing ceremony of memorandum of understanding between Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd. (THAD) and Pei Partnership Architects took place in the Tsinghua University. Mr. Li Chung (Sandi) Pei, one of the founding partners of Pei Partnership Architects, signed the memorandum on behalf of the firm along with Zhuang Weimin, Head of Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University. Attendees at the signing ceremony also included Liu Yulong, Vice Head of Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University; Liu Jianhua, Vice Head of the Institute; Wu Yaodong, Chief Architect of the Institute; Sheng Wenge, Executive Chief Architect of the Institute, and Yang Silu, Director of the Branding & PR Department of the Institute. Ms. Winona Zhao from Ernst & Young was instrumental in helping form this strategic partnership.

  Both parties will work in project cooperation with their respective resources. They will organize brand activities at home and abroad, such as joint exhibitions, joint seminars, joint teaching programs, etc. Through those activities, along with joint publications and special publicity, both parties intend to globally promote their well-known brands of architectural design to facilitate the multi-level and multi-dimensional cooperation between each other.

  Through signing the memorandum of understanding, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd. and Pei Partnership Architects will establish a strategic partnership. Both parties will incorporate their respective strengths in marketing, management, planning and design towards the optimization of fees, services and project delivery. Throughout the coming year they aim to strengthen the partnership to realize common growth.


  Pei Partnership Architects, established in 1992 and located in New York City, is a full-service international design practice focused on design excellence.

  Partners Chien Chung (Didi) Pei and Li Chung (Sandi) Pei, together with a team of seasoned and gifted professionals, create distinguished and innovative designs. They believe that architecture should be thoughtful, well-built and responsive to society’s needs. Respect for the past and responsiveness to the present in the pursuit of enduring architecture is the foundation of the firm’s work.

  Pei Partnership Architects’ approach to design starts with a thorough understanding of the uniqueness of each project. Design solutions integrate building elements in a comprehensive manner, always meeting the needs of clients and occupants. Not only are immediate site conditions considered but also the larger physical and cultural context. All design takes sustainability into account and strives to create a positive impact on the environment.

  Throughout its 25 years the firm has been engaged in the design of a wide range of projects, from very large to modest, including corporate and residential towers, healthcare facilities, institutional buildings, museums, financial headquarters, waterfront parks and urban master plans. Its international reach includes projects in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

  The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd, a national architectural design institute, was founded in 1958. In November 2010, our Institute was subject to the restructuring upon the approval by the Ministry of Education and in May 2011, it was restructured as Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd with registered capital of RMB 50 million. In November 2011, it was approved as a “High-Tech Enterprise” in Beijing.

  Relying on the profound academic, scientific research and teaching resources of Tsinghua University and as the base for teaching, scientific research and practice of School of Architecture and School of Civil Engineering, we have been attaching great importance to academic research and the commercialization of technological achievements with our planning and design level coming out top in China. In 2011, our Institute was accredited by China Exploration & Design Association as a “National Good Faith Unit in Architectural Design Institute”. In 2012, it was appraised by Architectural Society of China as one of “Top 100 Famous Architectural Design Institutes in Contemporary China”.

  Currently, our Institute has more than 1000 engineering design persons including 3 academicians, 3 National Design Master, 139 national Grade-A registered architects;69 Grade-A registered structural engineers. With senior professional technicians accounting for over 40% of the total staff, our Institute features dense talents, complete specialties, high qualities of personnel and strong technical force. We have five professional Institutes, nine architectural engineering design institutions; four studios headed by the academicians of National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering and the national design masters; as well as several single professional design institutes. As one of the comprehensive architectural design institutes enjoying a long reputation in China, we have mainly undertaken various kinds of public and civil architectural engineering designs, urban designs, the planning of residential areas and dwelling designs, preparation of overall and special urban plans, preparation of detailed plans, protection and restoration of ancient buildings, landscape gardens, indoor designs, inspection and reinforcement, early-stage feasibility study and architectural programming study, and engineering consulting.

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